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Senate voting on  Mokelumne Wild & Scenic! 

Tell your Senator TODAY to vote “Aye” on SB 1199 for CA state Wild and Scenic designation for the Mokelumne River!

Water agencies thirsting to build more dams and divert more rivers in the Sierra Nevada have launched a vicious attack on SB 1199, Senator Loni Hancock’s bill to protect 37 miles of the Mokelumne River as a California Wild & Scenic River.

The attack comes as the full Senate prepares to consider the Mokelumne Wild & Scenic bill within the next two weeks. The vote can happen any day so please contact your State Senator to urge passage of this important river protection bill.

Click here to send your email TODAY supporting SB 1199 to your State Senator. Foothill Conservancy and Friends of the River thank you all for your tireless support to save the Moke for generations to come.

Please ACT TODAY to keep SB 1199 and our dreams of a Wild and Scenic Moke alive!If you have any questions, email Cecily, or call 209.223.3508

Together, we will protect the Moke for good!

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