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Valley Springs Hogan Quarry Asphalt Plant Update

On June 25, 30+ speakers spoke to the Calaveras Planning Commission during public comments on two appeals regarding the construction and operation of the Hogan Quarry Asphalt Plant An overwhelming majority of speakers spoke passionately against the asphalt plant (Appeal A).  Despite public opinion, planning commissioners went through the points in Appeal A and voted to make findings to support the decision that an asphalt plant at Hogan Quarry is “permitted by right.” Planning commissioners gave direction to deny Appeal A and bring back findings on July 9 for a final vote.
A second appeal, Appeal B, was also continued to July 9. This is Ford/ CB Asphalt’s Appeal AGAINST County Air Pollution Control District’s decision that the asphalt plant IS a “project” subject to CEQA environmental review.  The decision that the asphalt plant project is subject to full environmental review is critical. fully supports the County’s decision that the asphalt plant is a project subject to CEQA.  The asphalt plant is a change in use for a “grandfathered” rock operation and is a “project” with potential negative impacts to the community and environment.
Please email the Planning Commission in opposition to Ford’s 2015-029 Appeal B, and in support of complete environmental review including traffic, noise, air, fish, water, economics, etc. Please attend the July 9 PC meeting.  The MVS letter of Opposition to the Ford-CB Asphalt Appeal, with arguments in favor of CEQA review, is posted on MVS Asphalt Plant page.

Appeal A: FINAL Techel-Walker Appeal

CPC Letter of support for Appeal A: CPC Letter re Asphalt Plant Appeal


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