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New planning commissioner signs on

By Kristine Williams | Posted: Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Filling a seat that has been vacant for more than five months, Valley Springs resident and businesswoman Karen Sisk was appointed to serve District 5 on the Calaveras County Planning Commission.

Sisk, who works as an insurance broker at Placer Insurance in Valley Springs, stepped forward at the request of District 5 Supervisor Darren Spellman. Former District 5 Commissioner Greg Gustafson was forced to step down from the role after being elected to the Calaveras Unified School Board in November. It was determined that serving in both roles was a conflict of interest.

Spellman said that Sisk’s keen business sense was just what was needed to keep Calaveras County moving forward. He first encountered Sisk back in 2010 during the tumultuous Valley Springs Community Plan discussions.

“I thought she was very passionate, that was something I took note of,” said Spellman. “I’ve seen her in action as a businesswoman. She’s done a great job.”

According to Sisk, those Valley Springs meetings were what first got her interested in the field of planning and she eventually served on the community board brought together by then District 1 Supervisor Gary Tofanelli.

“Going to those community meetings started it,” she said. “I came from the Bay Area and I didn’t like the way it grew.”

Accepting the position as one of the county’s five planning commissioners wasn’t a decision Sisk made lightly, it took her more than a week to let Spellman know she was committed after mulling it over with her husband and co-workers.

“If you don’t get involved you don’t really have a say,” said Sisk. “I’m just looking forward to getting the county back on its feet and moving in the right direction.”

Spellman had nothing but accolades for Sisk, describing her as confident, trustworthy, willing and passionate.

“I’m really excited. I suspect that she’ll do a great job and I know that she’s very committed,” he said.

Sisk will be present at the next Planning Commission meeting, held at 9 a.m. Thursday, May 23, in the Board of Supervisors Chambers, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas.

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