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Need your help for a Wild & Scenic Moke

Please act this week for a Wild and Scenic Moke! 

Water agencies and dam supporters are fighting hard to stop SB 1199 in the state Assembly. They need to hear from their own constituents. Please attend the meeting closest to you to demand a protected Moke for now and for the future. 

Tonight, June 9, Pioneer 6:00 pm. UpCountry Community Council,  Veterans Hall, Buckhorn Ridge Road, PIoneer

The UCC is considering taking a position on SB 1199 tonight. Foothill Conservancy is speaking in support of the bill, and Amador Water Agency and Amador County will be speaking in opposition. This is an opportunity for upcountry residents to learn the facts about Wild and Scenic designation and why the protections of SB 1199 are needed.

Tuesday, June 10: Oakland and Stockton


 1:15 pm, East Bay Municipal Utility District Board Meeting, 375 11th St, Oakland

SB 1199 has been amended to address technical concerns of the East Bay Municipal Utility District. As the largest stakeholder on the Mokelumne River, EBMUD has major influence over this Wild and Scenic legislation. It’s time for the Board to reverse its position from “Oppose unless amended” to “Support.”
It is critical that EBMUD ratepayers attend this meeting – boardmembers need to know that their constituents are watching and care about this issue!

Please attend and make a brief statement asking the board to support SB 1199 and identifying yourself as an EBMUD ratepayer and voter. If you absolutely can’t make it, send a message to your board member, even if you already sent one. Ward map.

Ask your board member for a supporting vote.
1:30 pm, San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors, Stockton

The San Joaquin Board of Supervisors will be considering a resolution opposing SB 1199 because they still want to build more or larger dams on the Mokelumne. SB 1199 does not prohibit water storage projects upstream or downstream of the designated Wild and Scenic section. The supervisors need to hear that it’s time they take a forward-thinking approach to water supply instead of relying on dams. Today, dams don’t make sense financially or ecologically, which is why many cities and counties are turning to water conservation, recycling and stormwater capture and treatment to augment their water supplies.

Wednesday, June 11, Jackson Valley
 7:00 pm, Jackson Valley Irrigation District, 6755 Lake Amador Drive, Ione.

JVID will be discussing SB 1199 updates and possible future action during this meeting. As with the San Joaquin BOS, JVID needs to hear that citizens expect water supply planning to be based on current-day realities, not the default of building unneeded dams.


Foothill Conservancy and Friends of the River thank you for your continued support for a Wild & Scenic Moke! If you have any questions, e-mail Cecily or call 209-223-3508.

Together, we will protect the Moke for good!


FC website link Foothill Conservancy 35 Court St., Ste. 1  Jackson, CA 95642   209-223-3508

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