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Jarvis Taxpayers Association files suit aginst Fire Protection Fee

On Tuesday, March 12, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association served the California State Board of Equalization, Department of Forestry and Fire Protection and the Department of Justice with a lawsuit on behalf of all those charged with the allegedly illegal Fire Prevention Fee.

The class action lawsuit has been in the works for some time, with a large number of people affected by the “fee” backing the lawsuit. Recently, Governor Jerry Brown has proposed legislation to redefine the fee as a tax, which would require a new, two-thirds vote to pass it.The class action lawsuit seeks declarations that the fire prevention fee is invalid, stating that AB 29 didn’t pass and a refund is due to every member of the class who timely filed a Petition for Redetermination or a refund claim with the BOE.

Read in Amador Ledger Dispatch

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