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Hydropower Legislation Would Roll Back Decades of Progress – See more at:

Hydropower dams may not belch greenhouse gases like coal-fired power plants, but dams are hardly green. Dams disrupt the flow of rivers and streams, wreaking havoc on water quality by altering the natural balance of sediment, nutrients and oxygen, and dramatically changing water temperatures behind and below dams. This can lead to toxic algal blooms, fouled water and fish kills. Dams can dry up rivers, decimating fish populations and rendering rivers unfit for recreation. Dams thrown across the paths of migratory fish have driven species from Pacific salmon to Atlantic river herring to the brink of extinction, with devastating impacts on tribal, commercial and recreational fishing. –

Foothill Conservancy has long participated in the relicensing of PG&E project 137 on the Mokelumne River. A federal bill H.R. 8, if passed, would undermine key protections for rivers and wildlife.
The River Blog, January 21
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