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FREE Grant Writing Workshop January 2024

Free On-line Grant Writing Workshop

The Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) is hosting a three-day intensive workshop
to build grant writing skills for organizations and agencies in the Sierra Nevada

This workshop is for community, nonprofit, and local government representatives
who would like to learn how to prepare effective grant applications. This
workshop is geared to beginning (no experience) and intermediate (moderate
grant writing) individuals. The workshop will cover the basics of grant writing and
program development, including:

  • How to make your application as competitive as possible
  • Basic program development for effective grant writing
  • The eight standard parts of a grant application
  • How to create a work plan and budget spreadsheet

The workshop will be held on-line over three consecutive days: January 24th, 25th,
and 26th, 2024. Each day’s instruction will start at 8:45 am and end around 12:30.
Please reserve the entire day on Days 1 and 2; you’ll be expected to put in 3-4
hours those afternoons working on your writing assignments. You will need a
computer with a video camera, a quiet place to work, and a good internet
connection. Class materials and connection instructions will be sent out in

To register or if you have questions, please contact Sierra Riker (sierra- with SNC. There is no charge for the workshop.

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