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FoCuS Acquires New Potato Harvester

This summer, FoCuS Board Member, Val Dambacher, submitted a grant proposal for FoCuS to the Sonora Area Foundation. The goal was to have the Foundation help our community acquire a piece of farm equipment that could be used to harvest potatoes mechanically for the FoCuS annual Potato Patch. This annual project has been conducted for the past four years, helping to build food security for our community. It has been amazingly productive, but also a difficult proposition, even with up to 100 volunteers from the community who show up and work to plant, hill, and harvest the tubers.  Late Summer this year, thanks to a number of direct donations and the matching grant approval by Sonora Area Foundation, FoCuS acquired the harvester.

Those donations included a number of generous individuals…

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.