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Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) available for public review and comment!

Notice of Availability of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) and Notice of Public Meeting to Provide Comments on the Draft EIR. The Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) (SCH # 2017012043) for the proposed Calaveras County General Plan Update is now available for review. Public comment on this document is invited for a 45-day period from June 29 through August 13, 2018.


DRAFT EIR COMMENT MEETING: On July 31, 2018, starting at 6:00 PM, Calaveras County will
conduct a public meeting to solicit input and comments from public agencies and the general public on
the Draft EIR for the project. This meeting will be held at the Board of Supervisors Chambers,
located at 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA. There will be no transcription of oral
comments at these meetings. Comments received will be summarized by staff for inclusion in the Final
EIR. Those who wish to have their verbatim comments incorporated in the Final EIR must submit their
comments in writing. Comments must be directed to:

Peter Maurer, Planning Director
Calaveras County Planning Department
891 Mountain Ranch Road
San Andreas, CA 95249

Please follow the link below to read the full DEIR as well as the Notice of Availability and Public Comment

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