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dispatch services for local fire districts?

Calaveras County supervisors had a heated discussion Tuesday on whether they should even talk about someday charging local fire districts for dispatch services.

Right now, the county pays the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection to dispatch fire crews to emergencies within the county. That county payment – currently more than $250,000 a year – is the only remaining county fire service responsibility. Other county support to fire districts – such as workers compensation insurance and assistance with the cost to purchase water tenders – has already been phased out.

Calaveras County Administrative Officer Lori Norton on Tuesday asked supervisors to approve a new three-year contract with Cal Fire, but also to authorize her to begin talks with fire districts about having them pay part of the cost.

That proposal to have fire districts share the cost drew a strong response from Supervisor Chris Wright. Wright first asked if the agencies in his area – generally West Point and Mokelumne Hill – could be excluded because they already barely have the money they need to operate.

Later, he also said he objects to the effort by county leaders to cut their support to an essential emergency service.

“Why would we charge for that?” Wright said. “It isn’t going to end up saving money if we end up closing a (fire) district because of it.”

Norton, however, is charged with helping leaders find a way to balance the books in hard times.

“Just like the fire districts are suffering, the county is suffering a tremendous budget deficit that must be addressed,” she said.

In the end, the board voted 4-1, with Wright opposed, to approve the new dispatch contract with Cal Fire. In a separate action the board voted 4-1, again with Wright opposed, to authorize Norton to discuss cost sharing with the fire districts.

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