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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Dates for you calendar….

Some important dates for you calendar:

Next Board of Supervisors Study Session on the General Plan:

February 14, 2012

EBMUD Public Hearings on the Revised Draft PEIR:

January 11, 6:30 PM, City of Jackson Civic Center
January 12, 6:30 PM, San Andreas Town Hall
January 17, 6:30 PM, EBMUD Administrative Office, Oakland

Links to upcoming meeting agendas:

Board of Supervisors Agenda for January 10, 2012     click here
Planning Commission Agenda for January 12, 2012    click here

Other important meetings:

Board of Supervisors January 24, 2012 – The board will be considering a request by the Amador Toulumne Community Action Agency (ATCAA) Housing Director, Beetle Barbour to create affordable housing in our community.   Ms. Barbour says “This is the first time we’ve gone before a governing Board asking them to help us create affordable housing. This is an exciting moment because our 10 year Plan to End Homelessness speaks to this very thing! Although these apartments already exist, they rent for market rate and the entire apartment complex is currently in foreclosure. If we don’t step in with a good project, they are likely to become so dilapidated that they will be closed.  We are also asking the Supervisors to support the inclusion of 5 apartments for Calaveras County Behavioral Health as permanent supportive housing.  We see this as an important benchmark reflecting our Mission Statement for the CSCoC. Even if you aren’t from Calaveras County, your attendance at the meeting in the BOS Chambers (at the Calaveras County Government Center on Mountain Ranch Road) is really important.”

Please plan to attend. Again, it’s 1 pm at the Calaveras County BOS on Tuesday 1/24/12.

You can learn more about the ATCAA here.

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