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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Community Conversation

The Mountain Ranch Community Club and the Mountain Ranch Youth Alliance/Resource Center invite you to participate in a Community Conversation
Monday, February 20, 1 PM to 3 PM
Mountain Ranch Town Hall
Transformation has already happened for our extended Mountain Ranch community as a result of the Butte Fire and all the changes we have experienced post-fire.  Questions arise, such as:
Now what?
·      Who are we now?
·      What do we value most about our community?
·      What challenges do we face?
·      How do we come together to recover and renew?
o  Structured 2-hour format of small rotating groups so everyone has a voice.
o  Focus is on our community life, not political issues.
o  All residents from District 2 and the fire zone are invited.
We will leave with an action plan for next steps.

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.