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CCWD must be transparent in the sale of this acreage

CPC Member Nancy Henderson authored this letter to the editor regarding the sale of surplus CCWD acreage in Copperopolis

Calaveras Enterprise / April 15, 2021


As Copperopolis continues to grow, with the hope of retaining our rural character and improving our water system infrastructure, District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf will be focusing on several issues. Two of those issues should be:

1. An approved Copperopolis Community Plan and

2. Water and sewer infrastructure retrofit, upgrade and expansion.

Currently CCWD (Calaveras County Water District) is beginning the process of selling 92 surplus acres of land located near the Copper Cove wastewater treatment plant off Little John Road. According to CCWD General Manager Mike Minkler, there have been ongoing discussions with Tom Hix of Copper Valley Investments/Development regarding the 92 acres. These discussions were held before CCWD publicly designated the property as surplus. If sold to developer interests this will be the first of multiple access roads to the future Tuscany Hills subdivision while providing extra access to the existing Copper Valley subdivision.

CCWD must be transparent in the sale of this acreage as it will impact all of the Copper Cove community. Holding private discussions before the 92 acres were designated as district surplus was not the way for the district to build and retain confidence with their rate payers.

I look forward to having Supervisor Folendorf and CCWD working together so transparency is ensured.

Nancy Henderson,


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