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California Adopts Nation’s Most Sweeping Cap & Trade Plan

But it’s just another milestone in a long journey that’s far from finished. It’s official (no, really, this time). California has cap & trade — or will once the program starts ramping up next year. Today’s approval by the state’s Air Resources Board was described by chair Mary Nichols as like “moving a large army a few feet in one direction.” Those other measures include stricter standards for tailpipe emissions, a “low-carbon... Read More

Calaveras County Ups Road-Impact Fee on Developments

Written by Sean Janssen, The Union Democrat October 26, 2011 01:41 pm The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in a 3-2 vote Tuesday approved a $238 increase in road impact fees charged to new developments. The increase is designed to catch up with the cost of inflation since 2009. The board was divided on whether now is the right time to make the move. Some members wanted to wait and make a larger boost in the cost per equivalent single-family home... Read More

EBMUD Report Reflects Foothill Opposition to Pardee Expansion

In mid-September, EBMUD issued a report on the latest round of public hearings on EBMUD’s proposal to build a higher Pardee Dam and to convert more of the Mokelumne River into a flat water reservoir.  The report includes notes and quotes from the many speeches, letters, and emails of Calaveras County residents, business owners, organizations, and public officials opposing the new dam.  (Click here to go to the report)  The report appendices,... Read More

October 20th Planning Commission Meeting Cancelled / BOS General Plan Study Session Scheduled

The next meeting will be on November 3rd. You may also want to mark you calendars for: NOVEMBER 9 – BOARD OF SUPERVISORS STUDY SESSION ON THE STATUS OF THE GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Correction – this posting appears to be an error on the BOS website…there is no study session scheduled at this time.    Read More

Amador General Plan Slogs Along

Page 5 / Foothill Focus / Fall 2011 / Amador County has been working on the update of the county general plan, the “Constitution” of local planning, since 2006. Most recently, the county supervisors and planning commissioners spent several days in public hearings wordsmithing the text and incorporating edits from the pro-development lobbying group, the Amador County Business Council. The ACBC’s members... Read More

Lode Water Officials Critical of Delta Restoration Proposals

By Dana M. Nichols October 09, 2011 Record Staff Writer October 09, 2011 12:00 AM SAN ANDREAS – The Delta Stewardship Council’s proposals for restoring the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and improving water supply reliability will instead make water supply less reliable for Calaveras County and other mountain areas, Mother Lode water district officials said. “What it means for Calaveras County and our community is... Read More

FEMA Loosens Insurance Rules

By Dana M. Nichols Record Staff Writer October 04, 2011 12:00 AM SAN ANDREAS – Hundreds of Calaveras County homeowners who are being forced to buy flood insurance they don’t need can now get relief thanks to an agreement between federal and county officials. Calaveras County Planning Director Rebecca Willis said that the resolution was reached during a meeting Sept. 22. She said Federal Emergency Management Agency representatives... Read More

Del Verde Project Can Move Ahead

As unanimous approvals go, the one granted to the most recent phase of the Del Verde Estates subdivision project in Valley Springs was rather lukewarm…it only received a new breath of life due to the lack of a sunset clause for languishing applications in county code.—Click here for article—Union Democrat, September 28, 2011  Read More

CCWD Approves Concept of CHIPS Buy

Calaveras County Water District directors approved in concept the use and purchase of surplus property near West Point for use by the nonprofit Calaveras Healthy Impact Products Solutions. CHIPS wants to use the 30 acres to produce wood chips for power generation and landscaping; sawmill and kiln operation; producing firewood, posts and poles and developing a native plant nursery for reforestation. The CCWD board vote allows CHIPS to take the project... Read More

California Energy Commission: Smart Growth & Land Use Planning

Decisions affecting land use directly affect energy use and the consequent production of greenhouse gases, primarily because of the strong relationship between where we live and work and our transportation needs. Significant efforts are necessary to reduce vehicle miles traveled to meet the state’s emission reduction goals. California must begin reversing the current 2 percent annual growth rate of vehicle miles traveled. Research shows... Read More

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