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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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How to comment on the draft general plan by March 18, 2015

Have you started reviewing the long awaited “draft general plan update” for Calaveras County, released on December 18, 2014?    If not, you better get to it, because the 90 day “comment period” for the county’s blueprint for the future ends March 18th, 2015.  CAP and the Calaveras Planning Coalition has been conducting public workshops on “why the general plan matters to you”, and why “community... Read More

Calaveras General Plan Update 2015 – Community Plans Gone?

Community Plans Gone.  Are Community Plans included in the Draft General Plan?  NO!!  Community plans and Special Plans (including Rancho’s) have ALL been removed, and will be rescinded when the new General Plan is adopted—unless county supervisors decide to change the new general plan to include community plans.     Many people are confused about this because of the “Community Plan Cross-Reference” table on the County General Plan... Read More

Calaveras General Plan Update – 2015

CPC General Plan Forum Now Available on Video! Did you miss this great meeting?  The well-attended Calaveras Planning Coalition’s public forum held in Moke Hill Jan. 21, ‘Let’s Talk About Why the General Plan Matters” was videotaped by MVS supporters and is now posted on the CAP website for public viewing.  Read More


meeting_flyer_jan21 On Wednesday, January 21st from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. the Calaveras Planning Coalition will host a  “Let’s Talk About the General Plan Update and Why it Matters to You as a Citizen of Calaveras  County” discussion at the Mokelumne Hill Town Hall.  Topics to be covered: What is the purpose of a General Plan What are the Elements of the General Plan and how to they relate to each other? Will Community Plans be included in... Read More

Rivers and Water

California In California water news this weekend, A first for Delta pumping: Voluntary cutback to protect fish, Bay Delta Conservation Plan refined to lessen impacts on local landowners, California celebrates 100 years of administering water rights system, December rainfall breaks records, but California needs more, Tahoe celebrates snow but braces for dry times,  Five key facts about the California drought – and five ways we’re responding... Read More

Calaveras Land Use

Murphys man granted slack on restrictive policy  Policy 07-242 has been an irritant to developers, builders and some business interests since it was approved in 2007. The policy was intended to temporarily rein in rural sprawl by preventing the creation of small lots in the county’s far-flung ranch lands and forests while county officials revised the General Plan that guides where and how growth can happen.   County code revised to simplify... Read More

Calaveras County Draft General Plan Released!

News Flash!!  Calaveras County’s Draft General Plan Released December 18; Community Plans are NOT Included; Public Has 90-day Review & Comment Period Calaveras County –  December 18, 2014.  County of Calaveras, Department of Planning, “The 2014 Draft General Plan is now available for public review and comment.”   General Plan Draft Documents and December 18, 2014 Release Information are posted for review on the General... Read More

Rivers and Water

California Water News In California water news today, California Braces for Mudslides From ‘Pineapple Express’ Storm, Three feet of snow possible at higher elevations, Winter storms finally starting to boost storage levels in key reservoirs, How much will heavy rains help the drought?, Drought designations don’t budge despite heavy rains, Flood of storms drying up before drought is busted, California lawmakers look to 2015 for drought... Read More

Calaveras County General Plan Update

Calaveras GPU to be released December 2014 Planning Director Peter Maurer plans to have the General Plan draft out next Tuesday.  Or at the latest Wed./ Thursday–because he is going on vacation Friday for 11 days.  This was discussed at the planning commission meeting this morning. Director Maurer has been working on “loose ends” (Public Facilities, map corrections, exhibit for Open Space, Circulation Element) that he hopes... Read More


Supervisors to ask feds nicely to fix flood maps Calaveras Enterprise Advocates for property owners wanted sterner tone Calaveras County’s Board of Supervisors decided Tuesday to ask “respectfully” that the federal government fix flood insurance rate maps that are forcing the owners of thousands of county properties to buy insurance that many don’t need. At least some of those property owners don’t see any point in asking nicely. “I think... Read More

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