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project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Board of Supervisors – Housing Element on Agenda

May 26 Board of Supervisors meeting, Housing Element on agenda; agenda online at county webite: Agenda Item 25. Approve the resolution adopting an addendum to the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopting the 2015 Housing Element  Read More

Board of Supervisors/ Planning Commission meeting: General Plan Update

Important General Plan meeting!! June 30, likely date for joint Board of Supervisors/ Planning Commission meeting. This will be an evening meeting (5th Tuesday of the month).The timing is not set yet. Purpose of joint meeting is General Plan related. Possible location- San Andreas Town Hall. More specific information and staff reports will become available later. Please spread the word about this meeting and look for more information as the date... Read More

Angels Camp budget on track, city still recovering

Union Democrat, May 6, 2015 The Angels Camp City Council on Tuesday heard an update on its annual budget and a “State of the City” report from its finance department. City Administrator Michael McHatten gave an overview of expenses and revenues thus far in the fiscal year in a third-quarter report, which he said is probably the most important budget update before the summer budgeting period. Also at Tuesday’s meeting, the council: Approved... Read More

Community Workshop for the Calaveras County Regional Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Plan!

Dear Engaged Community Citizen – Join us for a Community Workshop for the Calaveras County Regional Bicycle, Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Plan! We are updating the countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans and adding a new Safe Routes to School component. You are invited to attend a community workshop to review the Draft Plan! We are holding two community meetings to make it easier for you to attend. Both meetings will include the... Read More

County general plan gets low marks

“It appears as if the county is going out of its way to avoid providing any guidance for both orderly economic development and sound resource conservation,” said Tom Infusino, an attorney for the Calaveras Planning Coalition. Click here for article—Calaveras Enterprise, April 10, 2015  Read More

1,000+ Comment Pages on Calaveras Draft General Plan

Planning Director Peter Maurer told the Calaveras Planning Coalition on April 6 that he has over 1,000 comment letter pages (plus many attachments) to read about the Draft General Plan released last December, and that comments “are still coming in.”  According to the director, he is about half way through the letters, and about half of the comments so far are on “global issues” such as water, community plans, economic development, “keep... Read More

Calaveras Planning releases draft 2015 draftHousing Element

Housing Element Update. The 2015 Draft Update to the Calaveras County Housing Element is now posted on the Planning Department Page.  This Update will be discussed at apublic hearing at the Planning Commission April 23, 2015, at 9 a.m.  The meeting agenda and staff report will be posted on the Planning Commission page the Friday prior to the meeting.  Read More

Save the Community Plans

Tom Infusino, facilitator for the Calaveras Planning Coalition, submitted an article to the Calaveras Enterprise on the importance of including community plans in the updated general plan. “The community plans will help county government to implement the countywide general plan that focuses new development, new infrastructure and new services in and around existing community centers.” Read More Here – Save the community plans  Read More

Calaveras Planning Coalition Submits Comments on Draft General Plan

Comments on the Calaveras County 2014 Draft  General Plan  – Submitted by the Calaveras Planning Coalition March 20, 2015 – CalaverasGPComments  Read More

General Plan Action Alert! Comment Deadline Friday March 20.

The end of the 90-day public review and comment period for the 2014 draft General Plan is this Friday.  Your comments need to be submitted by then to be included in the Planning Department report to the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission.  All plan documents and maps can be viewed on the County’s General Plan Update page.   All Community Plans have been removed but could be put back in if there is enough community and Supervisor... Read More

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