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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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New Board Fast Tracks Commercial Pot Study

From the Valley Springs News. Read the full article here  Read More

Memo delivered to Board of Supervisors on GPU and DEIR fixes on January 22

Today, Tuesday January 22, 2019, members of the CPC attended the Board of Supervisors meeting to provide public comment urging the County to create a legally defensible General Plan. This memo summarizes solutions to fix the General Plan Update and Environmental Impact Report to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This memo concludes with a one-page summary listing each of the CEQA problems associated with the General Plan... Read More

ACTION ALERT! Ask the Board to Approve the Airola Application “as is” December 4.

Oak Canyon Ranch was a 3000 acre+ development approved in the Copperopolis area. It was not built. After it went bankrupt, the property was purchased by the Airola Family, who had been leasing it and grazing cattle on it for 60 years. The Airolas want to keep it as grazing land under an agricultural preserve. To do so, they need the County to change the general plan and zoning for the property back to agricultural, and to secure an agricultural preserve... Read More

Citizens and Agencies Submitted DEIR Comments: read them all here!

In addition to the comments submitted by members of CAP and CPC, dozens of concerned citizens and agencies really came through and provided comments on the General Plan Update Draft Environmental Impact Report. Read the rest of the DEIR comment letters from citizens and agencies here Rest of Comment Letters. For easy reference to specific comments, see below for page reference. CalTrans, p. 151 Center for Biological Diversity, p. 158 California Department... Read More

Calaveras County General Plan DEIR Weaknesses

Throughout the month of August, the CPC worked tirelessly to review the Calaveras County General Plan Update Draft Environmental Impact Report. We came up with over 25 issues or weaknesses that need to be addressed. Over the coming months, the CPC will be attending board meetings to address these issues. Click DEIR WEAKNESSES to see the outline of what we found.  Read More

CPC General Plan DEIR Comments Submitted to County

After much painstaking work, the wonderful members of the Calaveras Planning Coalition submitted their comments on the General Plan DEIR. Read the full text here  full text pdf – CPC GP DEIR Comments 2018 In addition, there are several items important to specific elements in the DEIR as listed below: TRAFFIC ELEMENT Letter submitted by the CPC to the Calaveras Council of Governments suggesting mitigations to the 2017 Draft Regional Transportation... Read More

DEIR Commenting Agencies List

CAP/CPC Facilitator, Tom Infusino, has contacted the following 15 agencies by phone or email to encourage them to comment on the General Plan Update DEIR. Here is that list: US Fish and Wildlife Service Native American Heritage Commission Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board CalTrans District 10 Calaveras Local Agency Formation Commission Department of Fish & Wildlife District 2 State Historic Preservation Office Calaveras Superintendent... Read More

Important Talking Points for General Plan DEIR Public Meeting on July 31

It is important that we go into the County meeting prepared and well organized. Please refer to the document below to review the talking points for tomorrow’s public hearing on the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. General Plan DEIR Talking Points_edC    Read More

DEIR Commenting Aids

Do you want to write comments on the General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report, but could use some pointers?  Do you want to speak to the County at the July 31 public meeting on the DEIR, but are not sure how to organize your thoughts?  Then get assistance below with our comprehensive list of various aids to help you in drafting, formatting, and submitting comments on the DEIR which are due by August 13, 2018. 2018-CEQA-Guidelines These are... Read More

Mokelumne River Becomes California’s Newest Wild and Scenic River!

cap Also on June 27, Governor Borwn signed SB 854, protecting 37 miles of the Upper Mokelumne River, making it California’s 12th Wild and Scenic River. This is a huge win for conservation efforts throughout the state, as now local water supplies, as well as recreational and ecological resources are protected. Many thanks to the multiple agencies that contributed to this effort, including the Foothill Conservancy, Amador Water Agency, Calaveras... Read More

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