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Critics jump on frog and toad protection plans in California

Rep. Tom McClintock holds a forum Tuesday in Sonora to bash the US Fish and Wildlife Service proposal for the Endangered Species Act listing of the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs, which live in Amador and Calaveras county’s high country, and the Yosemite toad, which resides at higher elevations in Alpine County. Sacramento Bee, August 5 Related article: The Record*, August 6  Read More

Agency finds climate change taking toll on California

California lakes are warming, sea levels are rising, wildfires are spreading, and mountain plants and animals are migrating to higher ground as the impacts of climate change take hold. San Francisco Chronicle, August 8  Read More

Shift to night meetings gets a thumbs-up from public

Maybe night time is the right time for the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors. In an effort to make the proceedings of the elected board accessible to people who work or attend school during business hours, the board this week tried meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday. Measured by the fact that there were few empty seats in the board chambers, the experiment was a success. And members of the public said as much during the public comment period at the start... Read More

Scientists find farm pesticides in Sierra frogs

Dozens of pesticides widely used on Central Valley farm crops have been detected in the bodies of frogs throughout the remote High Sierra. SF Chronicle  Read More

Canada geese take permanent vacation in Calaveras

A column on Canada geese, many of which now stay in the U.S. all year. Enterprise  Read More

Record-High Majority Say State Should Act Now on Global Warming

A record-high majority of Californians say state government should act right away to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, rather than wait until the economy and job situation improve. PPIC  Read More

Rail Road Flat Ranch land will now be preserved in perpetuity

After receiving grants from environmental conservancy groups, Campstool Ranch and the rural flavor of Calaveras County are preserved in Rail Road Flat. Calaveras Enterprise  Read More

Fears over water rise from drop to stream

From the bathtub rings around our reservoirs, to the salty Delta lapping up against our levees, there is ample evidence that in the span of just two years California’s water supply has shifted from wealth to want. Read  Read More

Night Meeting of Board of Supervisors – July 30th

DON’T FORGET: July 30- Board of Supervisors meeting 6:00 pm. Note special time  Read More

Wetlands maintenance poses funding quagmire

By Alicia Castro | Posted: Friday, July 5, 2013 /The Calaveras Enterprise To the applause of the 40-plus people in attendance at Tuesday night’s Angels Camp City Council meeting, the council adopted a resolution approving a preliminary engineer’s report and a resolution of intent that dealt primarily with the maintenance of wetlands in Greenhorn Creek. “I’m tired of continuing to kick the can down the road,” said Greenhorn Creek resident... Read More

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