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project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Congressmen push to ship more water*

Central Valley representatives want more water shipped to junior water rights holders in the Central Valley. The Record, January 23  Read More

Expensive impact of Rim Fire felt near and far

It is now estimated that the cost of fighting the Rim Fire was almost $130 million. According to a comprehensive report, however, the biggest financial costs of the Rim Fire have yet to be felt. Read Here  Read More

West Point radio station soon to go live

A new community radio station – the first of its kind in the area – will hit the airwaves by next month, organizers say. Tune in to Blue Mountain Radio at 90.7 FM KQBM. Read Here  Read More

Gov. Brown declares official drought emergency

Gov. Jerry Brown officially declared a drought emergency in the state Friday. He called on all citizens to cut back on water use by at least 20 percent. The Calaveras Public Utility District has asked its customers to voluntarily cut back on water use by 20 percent. “Calaveras Public Utility District is asking for district customer’s support in a voluntary water conservation program at this time,” the release said. “CPUD agrees... Read More

Away go our dollars down the Delta drains

A critical view of the governor’s Delta tunnels plan, with excellent analysis detailing why they make no sense. SF Chronicle op-ed, January 10  Read More

Drought prompts deep cuts in American River flows

Dry winter conditions are prompting river managers to reduce flows and water agencies to impose conservation measures. Sacramento Bee, January 7  Read More

Board snubs Spellman for chairman post

Breaking with tradition, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors elected Debbie Ponte as chairwoman this year, skipping over Darren Spellman, last year’s vice-chairman. The Record, January 15  Read More

Supervisors strive for teamwork with workshop

Members of the Calaveras  Board of Supervisors held a workshop to prepare them to cope with their current budget crunch and the difficult decisions they will have to make. The Record, January 11  Read More

Report puts $797M price tag on Rim fire’s damage to ecosystem

Oaks and pines that burned in the Rim fire absorbed carbon dioxide and emitted oxygen; this is an example of just one of the ecosystem services lost as a result of the Rim fire. Modesto Bee, December 25  Read More

Yosemite fire debate over logging burned trees

Environmentalists have differing views about logging some of the Rim Fire’s burned trees. San Francisco Chronicle, December 27  Read More

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