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Calaveras offering disposal of wood, yard waste for free*

In an attempt to reduce open burning and resulting smoke, Calaveras and Alpine county residents can deliver up to four cubic yards of wood waste, leaves and other yard trimmings at specified Calaveras’s landfill and waste yards. The Record, April 7  Read More

Rain barrel strategy for home gardeners

In Mediterranean climates, storing roof runoff water for later use makes sense. Calaveras Enterprise, March 27  Read More

Drought prompts some in Sacramento area to rethink lawns as landscaping norm

Willingness to embrace the change may take time, but a growing number of cities are having excellent results by paying homeowners to replace their lawns with drought-tolerant landscaping. The Sacramento Bee, April 1  Read More

Sierra Snowpack: Better but far from what’s needed for drought

More than a week’s worth of rain and snow gave the meager snowpack a significant boost, from about a quarter of the 30-year average to about a third. Meanwhile, the Mokelumne watershed is in better shape than some on the west side of the Sierra. KQED Science, April 1  Read More

San Joaquin Valley sinking as groundwater stores depleted

Another excellent look at the problems caused by over pumping of groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley. Sacramento Bee, April 6  Read More

Wild & Scenic Bill Introduced for Moke

SB 1199 introduced to designate the Mokelumne a state Wild and Scenic River On Friday, April 4, Senate Bill 1199 was introduced to designate the Mokelumne a state Wild and Scenic River between Salt Springs Dam and Pardee Reservoir. Sen. Loni Hancock (D-Oakland) is the author of the bill, which is co-sponsored by Foothill Conservancy and Friends of the River. This is the first legislative step in saving the Mokelumne River for all of us and future... Read More

Enterprise editor takes CCWD position

Calaveras Enterprise editor and former reporter Joel Metzger will be the Calaveras County Water District’s community relations and customer service manager. Calaveras Enterprise, April 1  Read More

Calaveras County needs a water element in the General Plan

Former Calaveras County supervisor Paul Stein responds to Bob Dean’s guest opinion on local Calaveras water issues: Read Here  Read More

Clearcutting and Cap and Trade

Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch has posted a new item: Friends of the Earth and Sierra Club urge CARB to get clearcutting out of cap and trade Friends of the Earth and Sierra Club urge CARB to get clearcutting out of cap and trade Groups give billionaire timber baron Red Emmerson mock “climate champion” award SACRAMENTO, CALIF. – Today,... Read More

Overgrown Sierra forests gulping water that could flow to the Valley

“Numerous billion-dollar proposals to create more water storage in California are competing for attention and funding during this third year of drought.  But there may be a less-expensive way to increase water flows into the Central Valley: Start thinning out the overgrown Sierra Nevada forests.  Cutting down trees may not sound environmentally friendly, but researchers from UC Merced and elsewhere think that may be just what’s needed to restore... Read More

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