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California is pumping water that fell to Earth 20,000 years ago

As California farms and cities drill deeper for groundwater in an era of drought and climate change, they no longer are tapping reserves that percolated into the soil over recent centuries. They are pumping water that fell to Earth during a much wetter climatic regime – the ice age. Read More  Read More

SAVE THE MOKE – Support Wild & Scenic

Help Save the Moke on Wednesday, March 11: Urge CCWD directors to support Wild and Scenic River protection, not wasteful study and delay What: Calaveras County Water District Board meeting When: Wednesday, March 11, 9:00 a.m. Where: 120 Toma Court, San Andreas, off Poole Station Road On Wednesday morning, CCWD will consider jumping on the bandwagon of those who claim that the state needs to spend even more money before protecting the Mokelumne... Read More

Central Valley, Delta water rights under scrutiny

Hundreds of property owners across California’s Central Valley and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta are scrambling to prove they have a right to divert water from the region’s streams, the result of a state order that comes due in just four days. Read more here:  Read More

More Water News

In California water news today, Central Valley, Delta water rights under scrutiny, Salmon hold on, but heat & drought may take toll next year, Beavers are saving California’s wild salmon, Bill would double federal funds to restore SF Bay, Congress to consider Sites Reservoir, Woodland to participate in Mayor’s Challenge to save water, Winter storm brings showers, hail, and thunder […] (Mavens Blog)  Read More

Reservoir and water conditions for March 2, 2015

Here are the latest reservoir and water conditions: (Read More)  Read More

General plan meeting reveals a divide in Copper community

Castle and Cooke Development’s head claims no homes will be built under the draft Calaveras general plan, but planning director points out the plan is based on growth projections for 20 years.  Calaveras Enterprise, February 24  Read More

State water chief admits mistakes in management*

Long hearing highlights challenges in managing state’s finite water resources in times of drought. The Record, February 20  Read More

Water rights’ cost draws scrutiny

A provision in California’s recently passed Proposition 1 could lead California into overspending on water. Capitol Weekly, February 24  Read More

CCWD will look at rate rollback options, approves payment to AWA lobbyist on Wild and Scenic bill

Directors approve payment to Amador Water Agency lobbyist for 2014 wild and scenic opposition while they discuss scaling back work on leaking pipes and other infrastructure to save money and lower rates. Calaveras Enterprise, February 24  Read More

The Drought Fighter

Could a controversial farmer in California have found the most effective way to grow food in a warming world? – See more at:  Read More

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