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County General Plan postcards mailed out late

By the time property owners receive their postcards notifying them that the Calaveras County General Plan is being updated, they will have only a week, maybe less, to comment on the draft version of the plan. Read More  Read More

Board of Supervisor’s vote to ease regulation of Stanislaus fish flows

Officials in Calaveras County discuss water allocations for fish and farms and the effect on local water supply, while some also call for more growth in the very areas most affected by the drought. Calaveras Enterprise, March 13  Read More

No bill introduced, but wild and scenic battle rages on

Update on last week’s actions in favor of Wild and Scenic protection (East Bay) and AB 142, Assemblyman Bigelow’s “spend, study and stall” bill that pushes back WS designation. Calaveras Enterprise, March 13  Read More

CCWD – Water Flow A Top Issue

The Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) Board got an update on the possible Lake Tulloch draw down and voted on whether to back a bill to study the impact of the state’s “wild and scenic” designation for the Mokelumne River. Read More  Read More

Limited’ water exports OK’d

State water watchdogs may allow more water to be pumped south from the Delta this month, but only under “very limited circumstances.” Read More  Read More

Water storage projects need critical analysis

The Bee opines on the use of the water bond for more water storage. Sacramento Bee editorial, March 8  Read More

Shaping water storage expansion in California

Professor Jay Lund and his co-author discuss the need for an integrated approach to water. Read More  Read More

Tri-Dam on Tulloch: ‘We will not drain’

Over 400 people sat, stood and crowded by open doorways outside of Black Creek hall in Copperopolis to hear what Tri-Dam Project officials had to say about a possible drawdown of Lake Tulloch. Read More  Read More

Urban ag ordinances grow more than greenery

  By Shawn Hubler March 7, 2015 Wholesome places aren’t accidental. It takes cultivation to create a warm, friendly neighborhood. This understanding runs like a root through the urban agriculture ordinances that have gradually made their way into policy, here and statewide. Sliced by freeways, diced by income, inclined by habit and history to be more private than public, most citified Californians will drive 5 miles for a can... Read More

Boost for Mokelumne River protection

East Bay MUD votes to support wild and scenic status By Alex Breitler Record Staff Writer Posted Mar. 12, 2015 Last year’s legislation might have died, but the cause itself lives on. Supporters of a “wild and scenic” designation for the upper Mokelumne River were heartened this week when the stream’s thirstiest water user, the East Bay Municipal Utility District, voted unanimously to support such a designation. It’s not the first time the... Read More

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