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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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County Board of Supervisors holds 1st meeting of 2019

The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors held their 1st meeting of 2019 yesterday, which included 2 new supervisors, Merita Callaway and Ben Stopper. New chairs and appointments are as follows:   -Jack Garamendi was elected Chair (Merita Callaway made the suggestion, Gary Tofanelli made the motion, Ben Stopper seconded; 5-0 vote)   -Merita Callaway was elected Vice Chair (Ben made the motion, Tofanelli supported; 4-0-1 abstention vote) -Merita... Read More

Airola Action Alert Results!

On Tuesday December 4, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a general plan amendment, a rezone, and a Williamson Act Contract for the Airola family’s 3,171-acre cattle ranch adjacent to Copperopolis.  The Board did NOT add a road easement as a condition of approval.  Supervisor Mills agreed that there is a need to look at evacuation routes and evacuation plans, perhaps in the context of the general plan update.  Nevertheless,... Read More

Notice of Vacancies for Citizens Boards/Committees/Commissions

Calaveras County needs your help to serve on various boards and commissions for 2019. A complete list of openings is provided below and you can apply online for these positions. Of particular need are volunteers to serve in the West Point and Railroad Flat Cemetery districts. NOTICE OF VACANCIES FOR CITIZEN BOARDS/COMMITTEES/COMMISSIONS (revised 10/31/18) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, due to unscheduled vacancies and expiration of terms, the Calaveras... Read More

Court Orders the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to properly address safety and groundwater quality.

Court orders the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to properly address fire safety and groundwater quality. Pursuant to a court ruling, the Board of Supervisors will revisit fire safety and groundwater quality impacts of the 2015 Targeted General Plan Amendment and Zoning Ordinance Update. In a writ of mandate issued on July 25, Judge Warren Stracener of the El Dorado County Superior Court ordered the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors to properly... Read More

PETITION: Tell the Board of Supervisors that you want a General Plan that improves the County

ACTION ALERT! PLEASE READ AND SIGN PETITION BELOW! Below is the petition that we at CAP and the CPC will be handing in to members of the Board of Supervisors over the coming months as they review and finalize the General Plan Update Draft Environmental Impact Report. Please email us at and provide us with your name, address, and contact information if you would like for your name to be on this petition that we turn in to the... Read More

CAP/CPC has a new YouTube channel!

In an effort to further our public outreach, the Community Action Project and Calaveras Planning Coalition are proud to presend our new YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe for videos of meetings, public hearings, and other gatherings.  Read More

CPC General Plan DEIR Comments Submitted to County

After much painstaking work, the wonderful members of the Calaveras Planning Coalition submitted their comments on the General Plan DEIR. Read the full text here  full text pdf – CPC GP DEIR Comments 2018 In addition, there are several items important to specific elements in the DEIR as listed below: TRAFFIC ELEMENT Letter submitted by the CPC to the Calaveras Council of Governments suggesting mitigations to the 2017 Draft Regional Transportation... Read More

CPC Testimony From the DEIR Public Hearing July 31

Read the full testimony from CPC members here. GP DEIR Testimony 7-31-18 (1) CPC Testimony of Penny Sarvis re DEIR (1)  Read More

Press Release : General Plan commenters ask the County for mitigation, alternatives, and collaboration.

Please see the press release below for all the details on the public hearing that took place on July 31st. Would have liked see more folks there, but kudos to everyone who came and commented! You all did excellent work! DEIR Public Hearing July 31  Read More

Calaveras Enterprise : Speak Out Now on the General Plan

On Wednesday, July 25, 2018, the Calaveras Enterprise published a piece written by CPC Facilitator, Tom Infusino in the My Turn section. Read the full piece here.  Read More

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