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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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CPC v. Board of Supervisors

On December 9, 2019, the Calaveras Planning Coalition (CPC) filed a case in Calaveras County Superior Court that convincingly asserts the General Plan Update (GPU) is incomplete and in violation of planning law. The case also calls for the County to release the 2011 Mintier-Harnish draft General Plan, which, to date, the County has withheld from the taxpayers who paid for it. CLICK HERE FOR LAWSUIT UPDATES or read why we filed this lawsuit... Read More

Helping Developers Navigate the 2019 General Plan – the Checklist

One role of a County’s General Plan is to provide developers with clear guidelines, standards and practices to implement the goals of the General Plan. “The general plan is more than the legal underpinning for land use decisions; it is a vision about how a community will grow, reflecting community priorities and values while shaping the future.”– California General Plan Guidelines The 2019 General Plan adopted by Calaveras... Read More

Local Groups Provide Comments on Proposed Zoning Map Update, GPU Implementation Priorities

The first hearing for the County’s proposed Zoning Map Update will be held February 11th. The proposed Zoning Map Update should be consistent with the existing land use Table and Map provided in the Land Use Element AND the rest of the recently adopted 2019 General Plan Update. Click Here to read comments provided by the CPC   The County will also be reviewing the General Plan Work Program and Implementation Priorities on January 26th. Click... Read More

Proposed Zoning Map Update Comments from CPC

Protecting our rural environment by promoting citizen participation in sustainable land use planning since 2006 1/21/21 RE: Updated Zoning Map Dear Planning Director Maurer: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the update of the Zoning Map to conform to Table LU-2 of the Land Use Element of the 2019 General Plan Update (GPU). As you know, the CPC is a group of community organizations and individuals who want a healthy and sustainable future... Read More

Legal Notice: BoS Valley Springs Community General Plan Amendment

September 22 Public Notice  Read More

12.8.19 Petition for GPU Writ of Mandate

editing Petiton for GPU Writ Draft 12-8-19 (1)  Read More

Final memos sent to Board of Supervisors

As part of our ongoing exhaustion of administrative remedies, CPC Facilitator, Tom Infusino sent the following memos to the Board of Supervisors regarding the General Plan Update. Inadequate Analysis of Alternatives last GPU Needs Implementation Staff Flaws in Findings of Fact for GPU Failure to Complete the General PlanPlan Deferred Mitigation Missing Components Flawed Responses to Comments  Read More

Opinion: The Valley Springs Community Plan – Redux

CAP and CPC member, Muriel Zeller explains clearly and cohesively on WHY Valley Springs does not have a community plan. Read the full story here     Don’t forget about your CAP and the CPC in your holiday giving this year. Make your tax-deductible and greatly appreciated donation here  Read More

Opinion: The General Plan Update is Over, Hypothetically

CAP and CPC member, Muriel Zeller submitted a wonderfully written opinion piece on the General Plan Update and the road to hypothetical litigation. Take a gander here , you’re in for an excellent read.   Reminder: CAP is participating in GivingTuesday this year. To make your tax deductible donation, click here  Read More

IMPORTANT!!! Speak during the Planning Commission Hearings in the next few weeks!

Improve the General Plan Update! Speak during the Planning Commission Hearings on May 22 & 23, May 29 & 30, and June 6 & 7. Below is all the information you need to come prepared and ready to have your voice heard! This will be one of our last opportunities to communicate with the County the need for sensible land use planning. The next General Plan Update hearing will be held on Thursday, June 13 at 9:00 a.m.  The Planning Commission... Read More

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.