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CAP is a community-based citizen participation
project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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CAP joins GivingTuesday!

We believe that the natural and built environments of Calaveras County are special and should be protected. In the absence of meaningful planning efforts from our local government, we believe in the importance of community planning, resource protection, adequate safety and services, and robust democratic participation in local land use planning by empowered individuals, community groups, and local organizations. It is our work to bring these pieces together to take meaningful and sustainable action toward the improvement of Calaveras County.

This year, the Community Action Project and the Calaveras Planning Coalition have decided to participate in GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday, taking place December 3rd, is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage giving and to celebrate generosity worldwide. Every year, on GivingTuesday, millions of people across the globe mobilize to show up, give back, and change their communities. The goal is to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day and touches every person on the planet. Founded in 2012, GivingTuesday has inspired millions of people to give back and support the causes they believe in. In just seven years, GivingTuesday has radically changed how we think about generosity and showed just how much power communities have to create change.

Creating change has been at the heart of CAP and the CPC’s work for over 14 years. Our major accomplishments have been in four areas: the general plan update, community plan preparation, water plans, and technical assistance to threatened neighborhoods. These accomplishments are currently threatened by a lack of forward thinking and long-term sensible growth and development. You can help ensure a healthy human, natural, and economic environment now and in the future. The best people to ensure this are the people who live, work, and recreate here. As we continue our advocacy for sensible land use planning within our local government, support from our members and our community is the best way to ensure a successful planning process that benefits all. We invite you to join us this year in GivingTuesday.

Making a financial contribution to support our efforts is the fastest and easiest way to get involved, but there are other ways to help. You can attend our monthly meetings. Help us grow our organization by sharing our work with your networks, including social media. If you are active in other community or environmental organizations, you can act as a liaison between us to strengthen our coalition. Together we can continue our work in seeking balance between conservation of local agricultural, natural, and historic resources with the need to provide jobs, housing, safety and services to our residents and visitors.

To make a financial contribution via PayPal, click here

You can also mail a check to us at P.O. Box 935 San Andreas, CA 95249

Make sure you get your tax deduction by printing a Holiday Donor Slip and sending it with your donation.


Many thanks for your continued support! Blessings to you and yours!

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.