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Butte Fire Update – Calaveras County

Here’s an update from the Calaveras County Admin Office


Environmental Health:

• Locations of debris removal teams:  Western and Central Jesus Maria; Del Sol
• Number of Debris removal teams: 6
• Hazmat sweep properties cleared: estimate of 320 properties.  (waiting to verify with EPA
• Properties cleared of debris (all debris removed): 6
• Right of Entry forms submitted: 570
• Items of concern: Traffic safety; impact of recent rains
• Number of properties with pre-debris reports: 700+
• Number of properties certified clean: 0 formally certified


Shelter/Housing/Campsites –

• Pardee is closed.  No one is camping there.
• Camanche reports all evacuees have checked out.
• Hogan reports 1 family camper homeless but not due to the Butte Fire. Receiving services.

Common Grounds – Will check with Common Grounds this week, as they originally estimated to be close to the end of their $10,000 grant to house senior and disabled in hotels, motels and apartments.  There are still 8 left of the original 34 in placement.

CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) – We have been notified by our consultants that we can request to take the $93,000 originally scheduled for a West Point Housing study and move it into funds to assist low income eligible clients with costs as the result of the Butte Fire.  One consultant estimates we may be able to help with items such as hook ups or some basic housing cost replacements such as well assistance.  The County will be eligible to request a new housing study for West Point in the 2016/17 application.

Additionally, the County may apply for grant assistance to help with home replacement costs through CDBG in 2016/17 application if so desired.

Mental Health – The CCP Grant is close to completion and soon to be scheduled for the Board of Supervisors.  It will provide funding of $112,043 for 3 crisis workers, 1 lead worker, fiscal and administrative support, phones and other expenses for staff.  It can be renewed for up to 9 months, as needed.

There are Mental Health workshops offerings as follows; 

• West Point – Mental Health 101 Awareness at the Veterans Memorial Hall 9:00 to 11:00 AM on October 29th.
• Mountain Ranch – Mental Health 101 Awareness is being offered at Mountain Ranch Community Hall on October 19th and 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM
• Behavioral Health staff will begin to be present at outstations in Mountain Ranch on Thursdays and Fridays, Rail Road Flat on Wednesdays and West Point on their regular schedule.

Local Assistance – Two of our workers are following up on those who were in shelters and campgrounds, if known, starting with Mountain Ranch.  To date, they have attempted to see 114 addresses, 54 homes verified as ok, two gift cards left for tools and some food replacement, 37 residences they were unable to locate or get past locked gates.  Attempted a call on all available homes with phones (have not heard back), 24 homes lost, 1 contact would like a trailer brought on the property.  They distributed 7 food boxes, hygiene supplies, tools and water at all residences that had someone present.

Out-stations – Contacts since 9/9/2015

• Rail Road Flat – 11
• West Point – 112
• Mountain Ranch – 51

Donation Management – 

• VOAD Group met 10/19/15
• Meeting with churches and non-profits 10/21/15 regarding recommendations for foundations/funders on those who provided services during the Butte Fire, costs and unpaid bills.

Disaster CalFresh – 

There were 35 applicants for Disaster CalFresh, total benefits issued $9,799.00

Mass replacement benefits for current CalFresh households was 792 households with a total benefit of $100,400.65

Building Inspection and Permitting:

• Coordinated training with HCD with county building  for unit set-up standards.
• Coordinate with water purveyors for code associated concerns
• Pursue RFP for contract plans review and inspections on rebuilds impacted in the fire area
• Coordinate with EH on data for clean sites
• Coordinate with Public Works on structures that may be in eminent threat of debris flows.
• Monitor permit activity
• Up- date information on rebuilding scenarios


• We’ve received zip files of the post fire aerials.  We have not been able to open the files, yet.
• We have a list of all Assessor Parcel Numbers [APNs] in the Butte Fire Perimeter in Calaveras County.
• We have a list of all APNs that have signed Rights of Entry for Environmental Health
• We have a list of all APNs that have completed Calamity Forms.  With the exception of the APNs in the Butte Fire area, all lists are dynamic.
• PPE – still missing two hard hats and two safety vests.  All other PPE has been received.
• We are on track to start field visits tomorrow.  We will review our approach next Tuesday.
• We still need help with our regular work.  I have a meeting in Sacramento on Wednesday and will follow up at that time.
• We have resolved the problems with FEMA registrations where there is no situs add


• To obtain talking points from each task force leader noon daily.
• To support the county’s website with updated information by 4pm daily
• To utilize a verity of media tools including but not limited by, social media: Facebook, Twitter and Information Board to reach the widest possible audience with daily updates.
• To include messaging accessible to people with disabilities and those with access or functional needs

Sent from my iPhone


Posted by: Chris Wright <>

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