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Butte Fire Erosion & Reforestation Project—Volunteers and Donations Needed!

  • Butte Fire has laid the soil of central Calaveras County bare to the eroding effects of upcoming rains. This is the soil without which our forests and woodlands cannot grow back. In addition, this soil and the ash currently sitting on top of it are primed to pollute our waterways and reservoirs. It is of the utmost importance to keep this soil where it is so that our forest can grow back and we can enjoy clean water, healthy soil and clean air.

    Paloma Pollinators and CalaverasGROWN are working to help those who have been impacted by the Butte Fire through their Community and Forest Recovery Program. Volunteers and residents are covering and pegging rice straw on hillsides to keep the soil in place.

    “Erosion is heavy on everyone’s mind right now.  There certainly was a lot with that recent rain we had.  Michael (my husband) took a picture of a hillside they covered and pegged in with straw before the rain.  The soil held.  The part that wasn’t done, the soil was a moving goo.”—Diane Kriletich

    For more information, go to MVS Current News & Reports to read “Who will we help?”, “Volunteer Information”, and “Donations Needed.” Also visit CalaverasGROWN and read, ‘Volunteers spread straw for Butte survivors‘ (Calaveras Enterprise, Oct. 19).


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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.