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‘Bump parties’ out at Tulloch

Written by Sean Janssen, The Union Democrat July 10, 2013 12:30 pm

Calaveras County leaders agreed Tuesday to settle a lawsuit against Lake Tulloch Resort brought on by “bump  parties” with a spring break-type atmosphere the past few summers.
The settlement requires the resort to submit to a  special event permitting process to hold any similar gatherings in the  future and resolves a suit filed by the county in September in the  Calaveras County Superior Court. The events were deemed a nuisance by  some neighbors who cited trespassing, vandalism and roads blocked by  on-street parking.
Calaveras County Taxpayers Association President and  Copperopolis resident Al Segalla noted the resort did some work to  mitigate the impacts of the events like paying to ensure a Sheriff’s  Office presence and said a requirement for guests to pre-register might  have been sufficient to alleviate parking issues.
“We don’t want to destroy people coming to our county,” Segalla said.
Calaveras County Counsel Janis Elliott said the resort  had been sent letters notifying the owners of a requirement to seek a  conditional use permit for gatherings of more than 1,000 people.
Elliott added that the events have moved on.
“The bumps have moved,” she said. “They’ve moved to  Stockton and are up to 13,000 or 14,000 people so there won’t be any  more bumps coming to the resort.”
Promoters now bill the event as the “BUMP Music  Festival” and note its relocation this summer to the Weber Point Event  Center on the downtown Stockton waterfront with expectations of  shattering the attendance record of 4,200 set at Lake Tulloch.
“This location is one that we’ve been looking at  partnering with for the past year and we’re very excited not only about  the venue, but about the accommodations that are available for our  attendees,” said Darren Cox, co-founder of the BUMP Music Festival, in a news release.
Resort owner Bernadette Cattaneo could not be reached  for comment on the settlement. She stated shortly after the county’s  filing that the issue had become a moot point because she could no  longer afford to host the events. A call to the resort Tuesday was  routed to a recorded message stating it is closed for the “2013 season.”

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