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Angels Camp budget on track, city still recovering

Union Democrat, May 6, 2015

The Angels Camp City Council on Tuesday heard an update on its annual budget and a “State of the City” report from its finance department.

City Administrator Michael McHatten gave an overview of expenses and revenues thus far in the fiscal year in a third-quarter report, which he said is probably the most important budget update before the summer budgeting period.

Also at Tuesday’s meeting, the council:

  • Approved its 2014-19 Housing Element for its General Plan, outlining housing growth through 2019.
  1. As many as 161 housing units will need to be added to the city by 2019 for growth, according to the plan. Of those, the majority would be in the “moderate” and “above moderate” income categories. Moderate income is defined as between$50,400 and $75,600, and above moderate is anything higher.
  2. Ninety-seven of 161 units are predicted in those categories.
  3. The other 64 units will be for families of four earning less than $50,400 a year. Of those, more than a third are expected in the “very low” category of annual incomes less than $18,900.
  4. The median annual income for a family of four in Angels Camp is $70,000, according to the state’s housing numbers from 2012.

One of the most noteworthy housing trends from the 2010 census, Planning Director Hanham noted, was that the number of people living alone is increasing — particularly seniors.

  1. In 2010, 29.7 percent of people surveyed in the city were living alone.
  2. Of those, 51.5 percent are 65 or older, up more than 10 percent from the 2000 census.
  3. This may mean more small housing units should be built, Hanham said.
  • Approved an ordinance amendment giving business fee breaks to intermittent vendors, like at the farmers market.
  • Introduced an ordinance that would give fee breaks for installing solar panels on homes.

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