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Action Summary discussion/ decision at BOS
HEADS UP! –“Action Summary Minutes” are scheduled to return to the Board of Supervisors on August 27 for discussion/ possible adoption.
At the last board of Supervisors meeting, at least 3 of our 4 supervisors seemed open to eliminating detailed BOS meeting minutes and adopting an extremely abbreviated and uninformative “action summary” of meetings–if the county was able to post audio and video files online. The CAO made it clear that was her intention, so this is coming back for discussion on August 27.
Chris Wright was the only supervisor in clear opposition to eliminating detailed minutes, stating that much of District 2 did not have high-speed internet, so accurate minutes are all they have. Chris felt that this move would exclude people that didn’t have internet access, and that until there was broadband access for the entire county we should stick to good minutes.
The Action Summary minutes given as an example were very uninformative. They had no links to staff reports or other documents, they show no supervisor discussions, no public comments on agenda items, they missed the Sierra Nevada Conservancy presentation altogether, and they didn’t even mention the two CDBG grant project applications approved for submittal (enterprise zone study and county housing survey) . The public needs to be able to identify what actually happened. Minutes need to clearly reflect actions taken and direction given. Please talk to or write your supervisor if you support keeping good detailed minutes of board meetings.