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DEIR Commenting Agencies List

CAP/CPC Facilitator, Tom Infusino, has contacted the following 15 agencies by phone or email to encourage them to comment on the General Plan Update DEIR. Here is that list:

US Fish and Wildlife Service

Native American Heritage Commission

Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board

CalTrans District 10

Calaveras Local Agency Formation Commission

Department of Fish & Wildlife District 2

State Historic Preservation Office

Calaveras Superintendent of Schools


California Geological Survey

Sierra Nevada Conservancy

Air Resources Board

Department of Parks and Recreation

Strategic Growth Council

California Energy Commission

4 of the 15 agencies have already responded. The Calaveras Local Agency Formation Commission has already commented. See their response letter below.

lafco GPEIR Calaveras Comments signed 7.16.18 (003)

CalTrans and the Native American Heritage Commission will be commenting. The Strategic Growth Council will not be commenting.

In addition, see this form for an official list of agencies with EIR review responsibilities.

CEQA Distribution List (002)2018



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