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Black cloud over Calaveras

To the Editor / Union Democrat / February 26, 2016

On Feb. 9, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors denied us the appeal on the proposed asphalt plant at Hogan Dam Quarry. The boardroom was packed, mostly with residents who opposed the asphalt plant being allowed to go in without an environmental impact report and a conditional use permit. It seemed to fall on deaf ears, as each one of the appellants and community members pleaded with the board to uphold our appeal and require Ford Construction and CB Asphalt to obtain a conditional use permit. The majority of the board, (Supervisors Edson, Kearney and Oliveira) voted against our appeal and their own mission statement. It so states, and I am quoting, “The mission of Calaveras County government is to provide service, infrastructure, leadership, and vision necessary to advance a safe community, maintain a high quality of life, while preserving local history and culture, and to protect the personal liberties of all its citizens.”

Dr. Estoesta, a local physician with years of experience, was an appellant who spoke so passionately about his concern for the residents of our area with the trucks hauling asphalt down through a residential area. Dr. Estoesta stated that the air could go out for miles. His two main concerns are the senior citizens, some already having respiratory problems, and children whose lungs are not developed yet.

Not only did the supervisors vote against our appeal, at the next regular meeting (Feb. 23) they voted to increase the appeal fees from $100 to $500.

Dr. Ben Carson’s quote in his book, “One Nation”: “A nation that is powerful, yet benign? Do we have the courage to stand up for what we believe or will we continue to cower in the corner and hope no one sees us?”

Lora A. Most

Rancho Calaveras

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