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project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Olive Orchard Estates Appeal

On September 22, with Supervisor Oliveira absent, the Board of Supervisors voted 2-2-1 to support local residents’ Appeal against a Modification of Permit (to remove requirements for the developer to improve Olive Orchard Road). Because it was a tie vote and a majority vote is needed to take action, no action was taken. According toCounty Counsel, since the Board of Supervisors took no action on the Appeal, the Planning Commission decision to approve the Olive Orchard MEP stands.  Residents and appellants continue to research the issues and consider options.

Two supervisors voted against giving millions in money to a developer at the taxpayer’s expenseon September 22. Appeal hearing testimony and supervisor discussion and voting may be watched on CAP’s Board of Supervisor September 22 Part 1 meeting video. The Olive Orchard appeal hearing starts at 1 hr. 48 min. in; Board discussion and vote at 3 hrs. 9 min.

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