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Public Hearing on Valley Springs Asphalt Plant

Valley Springs Hogan Quarry Asphalt Plant Update:

  • PC Appeals Hearing Thursday June 25, 9 a.m.
  • Asphalt Plant NOT “Gone”
  • Application to Construct “Incomplete”; Ford Fights CEQA Environmental Review
  • Public Discussion Needed
  • Appeals Hearing Information Packet Contains ZERO Public Comment Letters

Asphalt Plant Appeals Hearing this Thursday! The Calaveras County Planning Commission will hear all Appeals for the Hogan Quarry asphalt plant at 9 a.m.Thursday, June 25, in the Board of Supervisors chambers at GovernmentCenter in San Andreas. Appeals include MVS and CCWD Appeals of Planning Director Decision, plus the Ford/ CB Asphalt Appeals of CEQA “project” determinations. Planning Department Staff Report recommends denying all appeals.Click here to read the Staff Report for the Appeals hearing.

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