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Sierra Business Council is Looking for Interns for their Green Communities Program

The Green Communities Program will assist up to twenty local government jurisdictions in the Sierra Nevada to complete community-wide greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE) inventories. Community Interns will be paired with local governments to provide the additional staffing needed to conduct data collection, analysis, and inventory development. At program’s end, each local government will have a complete GHGE inventory at the community-wide level for their jurisdiction, quantifying GHGE resulting from five sectors within the community: the built environment, land use (agriculture and forestry), transportation, water and wastewater treatment, and solid waste.

There are five (5) paid positions available for graduate-level students and community members interested in a one-of-a-kind professional opportunity. For the 25-30 week program, interns will attend three training sessions led by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) staff where they will learn how to work with ICLEI’s Clean Air and Climate Protection (CACP) software, how to analyze data from various sources related to greenhouse gas emissions within a community, and proper documentation procedures for reporting community-wide emissions in California. The position will provide interns with an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on experience producing GHGE inventories for community-level activities.

Click here for full job description and information on how to apply.

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