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Curtailments of Water Right Diversions to be announced soon

The letter to water rights holders advises them to seek alternative supplies

The State Water Resources Control Board sent a letter to all water rights holders notifying them that the decisions on curtailment of water right diversions are expected soon.

Since the January 23, 2015 Notice of Surface Water Shortage and Potential for Curtailment, it is clear that restrictions of surface water diversions will occur in key watersheds,” the letter states.  “If dry conditions persist through the spring, it is anticipated that all holders of post-1914 and many holders of pre-1914 water rights in certain watersheds will receive curtailment notices soon as inflows due to snowmelt and possible future rainfall recede and the last opportunities to collect water to storage are past. Continuing dry conditions in some watersheds will also likely mean that riparian water rights holders will be required to reduce their diversions and share what supplies of natural flow remain, if any.

The letter notes that forecasts of water availability for watersheds will be posted on the water board’s website soon at:

The letter closes with an advisory to seek alternative supplies if the water right holder is in a water-short area, but with a cautionary note:  “Water right holders are cautioned that groundwater resources are significantly depleted in some areas. Water right holders in these areas are urged to carefully consider this information and make planting and other decisions accordingly.”

Read the full letter here:  Curtailment of Water Right Diversions Expected Soon

This post from Maven’s Notebook

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