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Calaveras General Plan Update 2015 – Community Plans Gone?

  • Community Plans Gone.  Are Community Plans included in the Draft General Plan?  NO!!  Community plans and Special Plans (including Rancho’s) have ALL been removed, and will be rescinded when the new General Plan is adopted—unless county supervisors decide to change the new general plan to include community plans.     Many people are confused about this because of the “Community Plan Cross-Reference” table on the County General Plan Update page.  This table supposedly “identifies where each community plan policy is covered by a General Plan policy” (as interpreted by staff).  It is up to the citizens concerned about their community plans to read and decide whether the County has accurately captured the intent of their community plans within the text of the new general plan.
  • Community Plan Boundaries Gone. The County has removed ALL of the former Community Plan boundaries—they are now called “Community Areas”, andboundary lines have been shrunk to reflect “areas of existing or potential future higher intensity development.”  Check this out on the new Draft Land Use Map #3 (scroll down on the page).  It is up to people in or near “Community Areas” to look at their new boundaries, and let supervisors and Planning know what they think!

    To understand more about the Community Plan Cross-Reference and how it was used to interpret one draft community plan, read M. Zeller’s columns, “Take a Lode off: Community plan cross-reference, Part 1” and “Community plan cross-reference Part 2” (Calaveras Enterprise January 20 and 23, 2015).



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