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Waiting on walking upgrades

Calaveras Enterprise

In 2000, a group of Murphys residents formed a committee to survey the pedestrian facilities in Murphys and surrounding areas. After months of walking, note taking and discussing, a plan was formed to make walking to the post office or downtown easy from most neighborhoods and the motels. The plan was offered to Calaveras County Public Works who referred us to COG, or the Council of Governments that is our transportation planning agency. They referred us to a consultant who was in the process of drafting a traffic, parking and circulation plan for the area. The consultant included the plan in their report, which was approved by COG and the Board of Supervisors in 2002.

There has been no action to improve pedestrian facilities or safety since. Grant money is available for some projects but I know of no applications being made. It seems that the BOS always has money for planning but never to develop the plan. Pedestrians and cyclists are still in traffic lanes dodging cars. Supervisors, after 12 years, is it not time to dust off the plan and get to work? Perhaps we can get some action by electing Michael Oliveira as our new District 3 supervisor.

Bob Mulvany


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