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Wild & Scenic Bill Introduced for Moke

SB 1199 introduced to designate the Mokelumne

a state Wild and Scenic River

On Friday, April 4, Senate Bill 1199 was introduced to designate the Mokelumne a state Wild and Scenic River between Salt Springs Dam and Pardee Reservoir. Sen. Loni Hancock (D-Oakland) is the author of the bill, which is co-sponsored by Foothill Conservancy and Friends of the River. This is the first legislative step in saving the Mokelumne River for all of us and future generations!   We’ll be calling on you for help as the bill moves through the California Legislature, but right now – take a minute to pat yourself on the back. Thanks to you, we have reached a very important milestone in our effort to Save the Moke for Good!

For more information, see our website for the news release..
If you have any questions or would like more information, contact Cecily, 209-223-3508.

Together, we will Save the Moke for Good!

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.