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Supervisors to add extra night meeting

By Kristine Williams, Friday, April 12

For residents unable to make it to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors regular second and fourth Tuesday-of-the month meetings, a new option is available. The board will hold one evening meeting per quarter, starting July 31.

During a discussion of board policies and procedures Tuesday, the majority of supervisors were reluctant to return to a weekly meeting schedule, despite recent board meetings that have run well into the afternoon hours with only brief stretch breaks.

A return to a once-a-week schedule would require filling a vacant staff position to keep up with the increased workload that would undoubtedly result from “back-to-back meetings” according to Madaline Krska, the county’s clerk-recorder.

Many of the supervisors said twice-a-month meetings were working well for them.

“It gives you more time to review and research issues,” said District 5 Supervisor Darren Spellman. “Effective meetings are better than more meetings.”

Retired Calaveras High School instructor and Mountain Ranch resident Jim Pesout encouraged the board to hold the occasional evening meeting so that the county’s youth would be better able to attend.

“What a wonderful boon it would be for our education system,” he said, holding about 300 signatures from high school seniors who signed a proposal supporting night meetings.

In order to further encourage attendance during the evening – which has been “lacking” during previous evening meeting attempts, according to District 3 Supervisor Merita Callaway, the meetings will deal with specific topics likely to draw crowds.

July’s meeting will center on the General Plan update. Supervisors are meeting today in closed session to hold interviews for the county’s administrative officer position.

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