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project focused on sustainable land use planning.
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Love the Forest Concert

Don’t Forget – February 16

Where: The Black Bart Playhouse 580 Algiers in Murphys
Cost: $15 (Seniors and Students $12) in advance or $20 at the door

The 11th Annual Love the Forest Valentine’s Concert is the big annual benefit for Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch.

Love the Forest is always a memorable evening of fun with a drawing and great live music for all ages, this year featuring: Cantamos, the Tour Guides and Bill Welles.

Tickets available:
In Angels Camp: Aeolian Harp
In Arnold: SNAC, The Bistro & Highland Books
In Murphys: Sustenance Books, SNAC & Murphys Music Company

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Special Thanks to Rick Harray Photography for the use of his photos on this site.