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Water Planning for Calaveras: Letters and Comments to UMRWA

In our “Other Planning Documents” (See “Planning Documents” heading) CAP has posted for your review Tom Infusino’s letter to the Upper Mokelumne Watershed Authority (UMRWA) and “Improvements to make in the 2013 MAC IRWMP Update Prior to Round 3 Grant & Plan Review”.

This plan helps us get back our state tax money so that the Amador and Calaveras region we can do a better job providing safe drinking water to families and treating wastewater before it is returned to our environment.

The Calaveras Planning Coalition (CPC) presented over 60 pages of comments on the Draft MAC IRWMP in October, and that members of the public sent in over 50 letters requesting improvements in the MAC IRWMP. Many of those specific comments were accepted by planning staff and were instrumental in improving the plan.

The MAC IRWMP Update has been approved by UMRWA. A package of 3 grants will go to DWR (Department of Water Resources) in this spring. CPC supports two of the proposals. They came out of a vetting process resulting in no public opposition. The RPC (Regional Participants Committee) will continue to meet to complete additional tasks to further improve the plan, in hopes that the plan and grant package will do well against those of other regions in the grant competition.

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