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Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Report

The “Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Report Setting Section” has just been posted on the Calaveras County General Plan Update web page. Here is the link to access info & documents:

As part of the Calaveras County General Plan Update Process an Environmental Impact Report ( EIR) will be prepared. The first part of that document – the setting section – is now released as a preliminary draft.
The setting section contains the background information related to the required topics that must be addressed in the General Plan EIR. Those topics include:

Introduction & Table of Contents
Agricultural, Forestry and Mineral Resources
Air Quality
Biology (section to be completed)
Geology, Soils and Seismicity
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Hazards and Hazardous Materials
Hydrology and Water Quality
Noise (section to be completed)
Land Use
Population and Housing
Public Services
Traffic and Circulation (section to be completed)
Utilities and Service Systems
The setting section establishes the baseline condition against which the project (the General Plan Update) is evaluated. Creation of the 2012 Setting Section accessed previously prepared documents and new information readily available from local, state and federal data sources. The preparers also reviewed comments made on the previous 2007 Baseline Report. In addition to on-line access, there are several other ways to review the Preliminary Draft Setting Section:
§ In person at the Planning Department (1 copy available for on-site review)
§ In person at the main Calaveras County Library (2 copies)
§ Make your own copy (master available at the San Andreas Print Shop 45 E. Saint Charles Street).
Persons wishing to comment on the document can do so using one of the following methods:
§ Via email to:
§ Via mail to: General Plan Update, Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249
No formal presentation or hearing is planned for the preliminary draft setting section. It is being made available to familiarize the public and decisionmakers with existing conditions within the county and set the stage for the remainder of the EIR which focuses on project impacts and mitigation measures. Once the entire Draft EIR is prepared, it will be released and a 45-day public review period will allow ample time for public comment and discussion.

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