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Hardwood Advisory Committee Vacancies

There was a Public Notice for (5) vacancies on the Hardwood Advisory Committee in last Friday’s Enterprise Classifieds (along with other County committees and Commissions).

The vacancies are for a Real Estate Agent, an Agricultural Advisor, a Member at Large, a Master Gardener representative, and a Cattlemen’s Association representative. The BOS “encourages interested and qualified persons to apply for membership.”

“Ten stakeholder members, owning land within Calaveras County, upon which oak trees are growing to serve four year terms, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Committee shall evaluate the effectiveness and progress of educational programs on hardwood management and the effectiveness of the Calaveras County Oak Woodland Management Guidelines in sustaining oak woodlands within Calaveras County. The Committee shall make periodic reports and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors with regards to local oak woodlands management.”

If an oak ordinance is moving forward via Spellman and Callaway, this committee could be important. Is anyone interested in applying for Member at Large (“an unexpired term ending 12/31/14”)?

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