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High Speed Communication System Eyed

High-speed communication system eyed
by Alex George

Aerospace Corp. and Calaveras County officials are discussing constructing a high-speed broadband communications system in the county that could assist emergency crews and prop up the local economy.

“There are lots of reasons to have broadband capabilities, especially from a business, economic and law enforcement standpoint,” said Supervisor Steve Wilensky, who along with county Assistant Chief Administrative Officer Clay Hawkins, have twice met with Aerospace representatives.

Wilensky said if the project goes through, it could be funded by a combination of federal budget allocations and grants – meaning no additional cost will be pinned on the county.

“If we could improve communication technology, specifically wireless data in the field, we could more easily support county operations,” said Hawkins, whose 18 years in law enforcement makes him familiar with the dangers of a communication breakdown.

In addition to the benefits felt by law enforcement, Hawkins said a wireless network would improve cell phone service, increase county productivity and cut down on paper reporting.

“For example, a building inspection would no longer need to be written up and could just be uploaded to the server,” Hawkins said.

Hawkins said Aerospace is interested in using Calaveras as a test case to determine whether an improved communications network could jumpstart economic development in a depressed area.

Headquartered in El Segundo, Aerospace operates a federally funded research and development center that works closely with the U.S. Air Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center and National Reconnaissance Office. But as funding for space exploration and military warfare has shriveled up, Wilensky said Aerospace is looking to utilize its technology here on Earth.

Wilensky said one of the Aerospace representatives he has been meeting with has local ties to the county.

“One of them lives in District 2,” Wilensky said, referring to the district he represents. Neither Wilensky nor Hawkins named the Aerospace representatives.

Pamela Keeton, a spokeswoman for Aerospace, said the company is not currently doing any work in Calaveras County and stressed that all discussions with the county are in infancy stages.

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