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Trail to Lake on City Docket

Written by Sean Janssen, The Union Democrat June 05, 2012 01:27 pm

A controversial plan to build a 5.1-mile bicycle and pedestrian trail along Angels Creek to New Melones Reservoir is up for possible adoption Tuesday at the Angels Camp City Council meeting.

The $4.4 million trail would be built primarily with state and federal grant money and has been in the works for several years.

Supporters say it would be an attraction and would coincide well with the city’s effort to market itself as an outdoor-recreation destination.

However, the preferred route identified in the plan has irked landowners who don’t want it cutting across their property. Critics were most vocal before the city’s Planning Commission approved it and also during a May 1 council workshop.

It is an unnecessary concern at this early stage, according to Planning Director David Hanham.

“The city does not have any provisions regarding eminent domain, nor is the city going to put the trail on private property without the property owner’s permission,” he said.

Hanham said future development will pay a portion of the cost as well and the trail is unlikely to be built before the end of the decade.

In other business, the council is also scheduled to address its policy towards implementing fees via resolution and a zoning ordinance on off-street parking.

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