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District 2 & District 1 Calaveras County Supervisor Candidates
The ballot for the upcoming election in May 2024 has been finalized and candidates have been announced for the County Supervisor seats in Districts 1 & 2. Learn more about the candidates below.
District 1
Includes – Circle XX, San Andreas, Valley Springs, Campo Seco, La Contenta, Camanche, Burson and Wallace.
Candidates: Gary Tofanelli (incumbent), Tim Grant, Anna Grace-Gates

Current Supervisor – Gary Tofanelli
- Tim Grant: Private Investigator
“My name is Tim Grant and I’m running for Calaveras County Board of Supervisors, District 1. I’ve been a Calaveras County resident for 28 years with my wife, Lori, and my sons Joe and Jake. I’ve been a state licensed private investigator since 1991 specializing in capital cases, white collar crimes, and various civil and criminal cases. In the past year, I have done volunteer work in the county in an attempt to give back to our community.
Calaveras County values and the friendly rural environment are why we moved here. I plan to ensure we keep, and improve, our county’s character by encouraging more community involvement. Overseeing the county budget should be handled by someone with a business background. I have run a thriving investigations business for 24 years and my vast experience negotiating with District Attorneys and Lawyers will support my success as County Supervisor.
I will also focus on fiscal responsibility and be dedicated to transparency in regard to how and where our tax dollars are spent. I will not be taking any campaign donations to ensure district 1 voters there will be no special interest bias.
Please feel free to call or email with any questions. I look forward to making a difference in our district and our county after being elected for District 1 to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors.”
- Anna Grace Gates: Teacher/Secretary/Businesswoman
District 2
Includes: Mokelumne Hill, Paloma, West Point, Wilseyville, Glencoe/Rail Road Flat, Sheep Ranch, Mountain Ranch, and Calaveritas
Candidates: Trevor Wittke, Sheryl McKeown-Harper, Autumn Andahl, Michelle Turner

Current Supervisor: Jack Garamendi (not running for re-election)
- Sheryl McKeown-Harper: Chief Financial Officer
“People in District 2 are talking about Board of Supervisors candidate Sheryl McKeown-Harper, and the reason is simple: When they talk, she listens. She cares. She has proven that time and time again with her efforts to inform us about fires and other issues facing the community.
“Truth is, we have not had anyone truly representing us and devoted to serving the people of this area in a long time. I see her as a true “We the People” representative, and perhaps, just as important, one that will not hesitate to fight for us.”
An 11-year resident of Wilseyville, Sheryl brings to the county table decades of experience running and consulting with businesses — from start-ups to multi-million-dollar corporations.
“I will bring financial responsibility and oversight to the board and county,” she vows, “with a focus on stable funding for our emergency/critical services, including our sorely under-funded Sheriff’s Department and Fire Districts, as well as underpaid County Employees.”
As an experienced accountant, Sheryl can crunch the numbers and spot opportunities for improvements with the best of them. But it is her commitment to informing her community and listening to the needs of the people she hopes to represent that is setting her apart from the pack. With her empathetic ear and straight-talking approach to problem solving, Sheryl demystifies the often confusing world of local finances.“I wish to inspire and encourage all of you to speak up and get involved by reminding — and holding accountable —government agencies and utilities that they work for us!” she said. “Therefore, I will hold our utilities and government-funded agencies accountable to the people.”It’s a message that is resonating with District 2 residents.
“I just love how you have been getting involved at the BOS meetings and showing us what’s going on with our District. No one has done that for us, so you’ve got my vote, because you show that you care and are serious about District 2 and making sure that we are informed about things that are going on right under our noses, but we haven’t been told about. Thank you for that!”
A small business owner herself, Sheryl knows the importance of encouraging our local entrepreneurs. “Small businesses matter,” she said. “They are the core of our community.”
“I support and encourage innovative business development, entrepreneurialism and accountability from the Chamber of Commerce and the Calaveras County Office of Economic and Community Development,” she explained. “I am asking that they do more to bring new businesses to Calaveras County while improving their efforts to support existing and emerging innovative businesses.”
In today’s polarizing, chaotic world of politics, it is more important than ever that we focus on building strong local governments that truly represent those things that matter to us most.
A vote for Sheryl McKeown-Harper ensures your voice will be heard in that process, as we in District 2 build the government we want, together. “
- Autumn Andahl: Program Coordinator
Below is a short list of community priorities that are evident to me based on my day to day D2 travels and interactions. While I share these priorities, I do not own them-they are collective. I am not running on my own specific agenda, but rather to serve as a voice for my neighbors and to stand up for the concerns of my fellow citizens. I am promising to be present in my district, to hear the needs of the community and prioritize them. I promise to work hard to be your voice and make you proud to have elected me as your supervisor.
- D2 Priorities
- Fire Preparedness
- Property Rights
- Public Safety
- Land Management
- Road Improvement & Maintenance
- Homeowners Insurance
- Small Business Support
- Opioid Epidemic
- Healthy Communities
- Economic Development
- Trevor Wittke: Small Business Owner
“Hello, my name is Trevor Wittke. My wife Asella and I grew up here in District 2, we met in high school, and have been together ever since. We are raising our two children here in Mokelumne Hill. Our parents Beth Wittke, and Maggi and Richard Blood, also live in District 2 where they are active in the local community.
I am running for District 2 Supervisor with the intention of working with our community to develop concrete solutions to issues facing local residents. As the Executive Director of the Calaveras Cannabis Alliance I worked with stakeholders across the County to craft compromise land use policy that moved commercial cannabis activity out of residential neighborhoods, created 83 small businesses, 530 good paying local jobs, generating $14 million to $20 million in economic activity and over $3 million in annual tax revenue for the County.
Being County Supervisor is a full time job. A Supervisor’s primary responsibilities are to develop collaborative relationships, work toward shared goals of the County and meet our responsibilities to the public. As Supervisor I will work to meet the day-to-day needs of the community and to ensure that the County is providing the necessary services for District 2 residents. During this campaign I intend to meet you in your communities to earn your vote.”
- Michelle Turner: San Andreas Sanitary District Director