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More Calaveras Planning Updates

Planning Commission Activity. Here is what’s been happening at recent planning commission meetings: The addition of a Valley Springs section to the Community Plan Element of the Draft General Plan was pulled from the agenda January 26. The Valley Springs section will be re-scheduled later to allow more time for public review of the draft A Planned Development Permit was approved for a commercial building in Hathaway Pines, and a Conditional Use... Read More

Weekly ReCAP of Calaveras Planning Updates

The “Weekly ReCAP” is a weekly recap of local and regional land use planning news for Calaveras County residents: Weekly ReCAP for March 10  Read More

Scoping Comments in response to the Notice of Preparation for the Calaveras County General Plan Update Environmental Impact Report

CAP and the CPC’s Tom Infusion has submitted a detailed set of general recommendations to the Calaveras County Planning Department in response to NOP for General Plan Update DEIR. The documents submitted are for the County to follow in preparation of the General Plan Update EIR. These recommendations are based upon the CEQA Guidelines, CEQA case law, and our experience reviewing environmental review documents over the last decade. We strongly... Read More

Planning News from was created in response to rapid development in the rural unincorporated Valley Springs area east of Stockton and the San Joaquin Valley in the rolling Sierra Nevada foothills of western Calaveras County. The following link gives a summary of planning in Calaveras County with a Valley Springs focus. Current issues are: New BOS & PC; New Flood Maps; Valley Springs Plan at PC Hearing; Hogan Lake Uses & Water Supply; Cannabis... Read More

Weekly ReCAP for January 6, 2017

The “Weekly ReCAP” is a weekly recap of local and regional land use planning news for Calaveras County residents. Weekly ReCAP for January 6  Read More

Commercial Cannabis ban petition qualifies for a special election

Supervisors could decide Jan. 24 on whether to simply enact the measure Read Calaveras Enterprise article here  Read More

Weekly ReCAP for December 9, 2016

A weekly review of local and regional planning issues by Calaveras Planning Coalition & Community Action Project: Weekly ReCAP for December 9  Read More

Planning Updates

Planning Commission information from Colleen: Today’s Dec. 8 planning commission lasted past 5:30 p.m. and was mostly cannabis appeals. Peter Maurer told me more cannabis appeals are scheduled for the Dec. 22 PC meeting*, plus one appeal today was continued to January. PM also said there would be a BOS study session on the cannabis ordinance in January. The BOS meeting agenda posted for Dec. 13 is the longest I’ve ever seen–51... Read More

The comment period on the Tassajara Project RDEIR has been extended to Nov. 30. Comments can be sent to

The Tassajara Parks Project is a 125-unit residential subdivision proposed outside the Urban Limit Line.  Contra Costa County currently designates the project area as Agricultural Lands, and zones it A-80, Exclusive Agricultural District.  The project’s water will come from either EBMUD water conservation, or from a contract for up to 100 acre-feet of water per year from the Calaveras Public Utility District’s Schaads Reservoir in Calaveras... Read More

Summary of Calaveras Planning Commission meeting November 10, 2016

Summary of Calaveras Planning Commission meeting November 10, 2016 (Meeting video is posted on CAP Video page )   Chair McLaughlin was absent; Commissioner Allured chaired the meeting 2016-1061 Song Vang Appeal of Denial of Personal Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application was decided on a tie vote 2-2-0 (one absent). A tie vote upholds the Planning Department decision, thus the appeal was denied. This was... Read More

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