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Calaveras County added to priority list for removing dead trees

Surveys show dramatic increase in bark beetle-caused mortality What is happening is widening patches of trees with orange or yellow needles. Such patches grow as bark beetle infestations spread to more trees. The dying of the forests poses an immediate danger to residents whose homes are within striking distance, county officials said. Click here for article—Calaveras Enterprise, April 15, 2016  Read More

Full impact of asphalt plant to be examined

Air district, not planning department will lead environmental review Calaveras County officials are, after all, requiring that a full environmental impact report be prepared before a proposed hot asphalt batch plant goes into operation at Hogan Quarry near Valley Springs…As recently as the end of March, an air district staffer sent an email to the group saying that district officials had not yet determined whether they would... Read More

County proposes temporary ban on new and expanded marijuana farms

Officials hope to head off land rush by would-be cannabis growers New medical marijuana gardens will be temporarily banned in Calaveras County under a draft urgency ordinance that county officials released on Tuesday. The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors will consider adopting the urgency ordinance when it meets at 9 a.m. Tuesday in its chambers, 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas. Read Here  Proposed urgency ordinance regulating medical marijuana  Read More

Costs of climate-change fixes should be focus of concern

BY DOROTHY ROTHROCK Special to The Bee / March 6, 2016 Sound science and rational economics should guide our environmental policies, so it is disappointing that the Union of Concerned Scientists supports a flawed approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, putting California’s jobs at risk. In the op-ed “Don’t be fooled by Big Oil’s kinder, gentler rhetoric” (Viewpoints, Feb. 21), the Union of Concerned Scientists wrote in support of... Read More

Group aims to increase non-emergency transport in Calaveras County

By Jason Cowan / The Union Democrat / @jcowan1031 Published Mar 3, 2016 Silver Streak Transport and its parent company, Common Ground Senior Services, provides rides for senior citizens, veterans and others with a disability throughout Calaveras to and from their health and wellness appointments. They operated for the past year with one van, an Americans with Disabilities Act accessible vehicle that could hold two in wheelchairs or five without. Volunteer... Read More

Supposedly thirsty California farmers must wise up about water*

The next drought could have far more profound impacts on the state’s economy, unless California starts using its water wisely. Unfortunately the agricultural industry, user of 80 percent of the state’s consumable water, is doing everything but. Sacramento Bee op-ed, March 13  Read More

The best options for groundwater recharge

Recharging groundwater is one of the best options for improving our state’s water supply. Read about some of the most promising approaches here. Water Deeply, March 14  Read More

Yolo County struggles to balance tourism with farming*

Long-time production farmers concerned about proliferation of event centers near their working farms in Yolo County. Sacramento Bee, March 13  Read More

New Melones water levels rising

Historic sites are once again submerged after recent storms. Union Democrat, March 17  Read More

State lifts water connection moratorium in San Andreas and Mokelumne Hill

Calaveras Public Utility District continues to work on pipeline to connect with Schaad’s Reservoir, convinces state to drop water hookup moratorium. Calaveras Enterprise, March 14  Read More

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